
Lectures (remote) are given on Tuesday class sessions by the Professor, student groups (See ‘Presentation Tips’), or guest lecturers.

Student groups are expected to read seminal HRI papers on a specific topic, prepare a 15-minute presentation on that topic, and run a 30-minute discussion session with the class to talk about the paper. Students not presenting are expected to prepare and ask questions in the lecture. We will take note of students participating in class which will impact students’ participation scores for the class.

Lab sessions are on Thursday (in-person) and will involve learning about the Turtlebot v4 platform, running existing algorithms on the robots, and evaluating the robot’s performance. Students are expected to submit lab reports, video demonstrations, and code running on the robot. All labs assignment are due three weeks after they are assigned at 9:00AM.


Course Schedule (Tentative)

Week # Lecture (Tuesday) Lab (Thursday) Lecture Speaker
1: Week of 8/23 Introduction to HRI Lab 1: Introduction to ROS Professor
2: Week of 8/30 Research Methods Lab 1 (Continued) Professor
3: Week of 9/6 Robot Design and Anthromorphization Lab 2: Introduction to Turtlebot Platform Student Group
4: Week of 9/13 Perception of People Lab 2 (Continued) Student Group
5: Week of 9/20 Groups and Teams Lab 3 – Prelab People Tracking Student Group
6: Week of 9/27 Spatial Interaction Lab 3 (Continued) Student Group
7: Week of 10/4 Emotion & Intent No Lab  Student Group
8: Week of 10/11 Fall Break – No Class Lab 3 (Continued) None
9: Week of 10/18 AR/VR for HRI Lab 4 Social Navigation Student Group
10: Week of 10/25 Social Signal Processing – Recognition & Synthesis Lab 4 (Continued) Student Group
11: Week of 11/1 Final Project Discussion

Final Project Proposals Assigned

Lab 5 –  Delivery Robot


12: Week of 11/8 Guest Lecture: Alyssa Kubota from UC San Diego  

Final Project Proposals DUE

Guest Lecturer
13: Week of 11/15 Guest Lecture: Tom Williams on AR/VR for HRI Final Project Workday Guest Lecturer
14: Week of 11/22 Guest Lecture: Hee Rin Lee from Michigan State Thanksgiving break Guest Lecturer
15: Week of 11/29 Final Project Workday Final Project Workday/Check-ins None
16: Week of 12/6 Final Project Workday Final Project Workday None
17: Week of 12/13 Final Project Presentations Final Project Report DUE Student Groups

Lab Schedule

Week # Lab Assigned Lab DUE
1: 8/25 Lab 1: Introduction to ROS – Part I
2: 9/1 Lab 1: Introduction to ROS – Part II Lab 1 – Part I @ 9:00AM
3: 9/1 Lab 2: Introduction to Turtlebot – Part I Lab 1 – Part II @ 9:00AM
4: 9/15 Lab 2: Introduction to Turtlebot – Part II Lab 2 – Part I @ 9:00AM
5: 9/22 Lab 3: People Tracking – Prelab Lab 2 – Part II @ 9:00AM
6: 9/29 Lab 3: People Tracking  Lab 3 – Prelab @ 9:00AM 
7: 10/6 Lab 4: Social Navigation – Part I Lab 3 @ 9:00AM
9: 10/20 Lab 4: Social Navigation – Part II Lab 4 – Part I @ 9:00AM
10: 10/27 Lab 5 – Delivery Robot Lab 4  – Part II @ 9:00AM
11: 11/3 Final Project Proposals Lab 5 @ 9:00AM
12: 11/10 Final Project Proposals @ 9:00AM
14: 11/29 Final Project Check-ins
17: 12/13 Final Project Presentations
17: 12/15 Final Project Report DUE @ 9:00AM